
Let's Play Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (SNES) [Part 3: How Is It Pronounced?]

2020-03-15 1 Dailymotion

Originally uploaded on June 6, 2018.

Today on Let's Play Power Rangers, Rita Repulsa has unleashed the likes of Bones, Gnarly Gnome, Eye Guy, Genie, Dark Warrior, Mutitus, and the evil zord Cyclopsis to take over the Earth! Will her plan of multi-monster mayhem succeed or will the forces of good be able to stop her? Find out next on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

A fun beat-em-up/platformer, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the Super Nintendo has everything you'd expect from the series: monsters, multi-colored heroes, a rocking soundtrack, and a lot of hard-hitting action. Hope you guys enjoy this one.